Friday, 26 November 2010

Fire Safety Training: How to Perform a Fire Drill

Fire is one of the most dangerous elements; it spreads easily and can damage lives. In the workplace a fire is a potential cause of injury to the workers and no business can afford to ignore fire safety. This is why it's important to implement a Fire Safety Training program in the workplace. A fire safety training at work ensures that every worker under your company knows the proper procedures in cases of fire. A proper plan is not only essential to safety but also it's also the part of the law.

The first step that you need to take to help save your workers and business from fire is to make sure that you have an effective fire alarm system. These can help save lives and also save most of your buildings located in your business. In order to have a working fire alarm system; make sure that they are installed by credited installers.

Once you have these system installed, it's important that you test them regulary and that they are checked by the proper authorities just to make sure that they follow the proper regulations regarding fire safety. After that, you can start to plan a fire drill to make sure that everyone knows how to exit the premises safely in cases of fire.

To be able to perform the drill properly, it's best that you have a fire marshal or any proper authority in the department to help you out. They will be able to see any glitches and they can help in changing anything with your plans. They can also time your workers on how much time they need to get out of the building safely and on time. Just request an available fire marshal in your area to help you.

Make sure that when the fire drill is going on, all of your workers and or employees are participating. It is very vital for your employees to know the codes set by your company regarding fire safety and the codes set by the laws and local department. This also goes with informing your staff with any changes relating to these laws or codes. They should also be informed of any changes in your escape plans and routes they must follow or any new steps that need to be taken. You can do this at least once or twice per year, gather all your staff and inform them of any changes.

Fire Safety Training drills should at least be done once a year and should cover anything from any normal fire to the worst case scenario. The use of fire extinguishers and fire blankets should also be taken into account especially with manufacturing business.

Safety is not something that you should just take lightly, conducting a safe and effective fire safety program is the responsibility of the company and the key figures in the department, safety is everyone's responsibility. All you have to know is that everyone follows the plan and is properly trained to deal with such situation.

Start creating and practicing your fire safety drills in your workplace and implement the change that needs to be done.

Fire safety is a burning issure for all businesses.  Protect your workers and provide a safe environment for them.  Make them aware of the correct fire safety procedures to follow in case of a fire using our Fire Safety Video.  Find out more about evacuation procedures, fire extinguishers and general principles of fire safety awareness, click here

1 comment:

  1. Fire safety is important in every field of life. Thanks for sharing this informative blog.
    Health and safety training
